About us

We make sure that you enjoy the island.

At Kadushi our journey began with a passion for exploration and a love for connecting with people. After years of travelling the globe and experiencing the warm hospitality of various cultures, it became clear: we wanted to bring that same spirit of hospitality to our own corner of the world, Curacao.
In 2023, we embarked on our venture as a car rental company. With each interaction, we strived to provide more than just a vehicle; we aimed to create memorable experiences that resonated with our customers long after their journey ended. As our reputation for top-notch service and unforgettable adventures grew, so did our aspirations. In 2024, we expanded our offerings to include scooter rentals, further enhancing the ways in which travelers could explore and discover the beauty of our beloved destination. Driven by our commitment to excellence and a genuine desire to enrich the travel experiences of our guests, we continue to evolve and innovate, ensuring that every interaction with Kadushi leaves a lasting impression.

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